News: Information about the world, from around the world, structured and presented by the media channels, which we then choose to accept as factual, actual evidence that the event occurs in the manner presented.

Sometimes. But did you ever ask yourself, or anyone around you for that matter, about the validity of the reporting source? Like, who owns the newspaper or magazine? Or, more clearly, who is paying a particular writer to present those details to you?

At some point, you have to trust your source. But in my opinion, the more sources you have available to you, and the more varied their backgrounds are, the more ground you have to stand on so to speak.

wired news--> MailingList
high quality tech and tech culture news

utne daily--> MailingList
compendium of "alt" articles

ny times
one of the best, even online

new hometown newspaper w/useful site


willamette weekly
25yrs of independent news in pdx

ninfomania--> MailingList
excellent weekly news from uk

bisbee review
manda writes daily news in s. az.

boston phoenix
boston "alternative" weekly

former hometown paper

boston globe
only boston daily paper worth a damn