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Stephen W. Pozgay
215 NW 22nd Place, Apt. 107, Portland, OR, 97210
(503)827.8150 | suppoz@hotmail.com
Bates College, Lewiston, ME
B.A. in English (Creative Writing concentration), May 1999
Senior Thesis: Dead Roads: A Web-Based Collection of Poetry and Photography
Honors: College Key, an alumni organization focusing on service, scholarships, and special
projects which benefit the college community. Members are selected during senior
year by college faculty and staff on the basis of academic standing, character,
campus and community service, leadership, and future promise.
Design and Technology E X P E R I E N C E
Intern, Museum of Art, Bates College, June-July 1999
Independently adapted, redesigned, and tweaked website detailing the Museum's large collection
of artist Marsden Hartley's sketches, paintings, and ephemera. Project included digital
photography, scanning, site design and layout, and HTML.
Senior Helpdesk Assistant, Information Services, Bates College, September1998-April 1999
Provided first-tier technical support after full-time daytime staff was gone; Received incoming
calls, identified problems and discussed solutions involving technical knowledge and trouble-
shooting skills; Dispatched Student Computing Technical Assistants as necessary.
Promotional Poster and Ticket Production, GLBA/OUTfront, Bates College, March 1998/1999
As consultant, supplied this student organization with creative approaches to graphic design,
layout and implementation of themed promotional campaign, including posters and tickets, for
annual campus-wide party.
Web Design, Ladd Library/CBB Consortium, Bates College, January 1999
Produced web-based departmentalized directory of faculty at Colby College, Bates College,
and Bowdoin College. A Carnegie Mellon grant enabled the libraries at each college to
collaborate as a consortium.
Technical Director, WRBC, Bates College, January1998-January 1999
Maintained and advanced all equipment used by radio station personnel; Liaison between
Station Engineer, Board of Directors, and general membership; Implemented new technology
and assured the working knowledge of all station personnel through training; Communicated
operational information in individual and group settings as well as written documentation;
Sat as elected Member of the Board of Directors, WRBC.
Audio Technician, Coordinator of Student Activities Office, Bates College, September 1997-May 1998
Organized and maintained audio equipment provided by the College for use at student events;
Set up and operated audio equipment during student events.
Coordination and Human Relations E X P E R I E N C E
Closing Coordinator, Ladd Library Circulation, Bates College, September 1995-May 1999
Supervised other student assistants in the closing of the Library, working closely with
College Security and Library staff; Navigated fast-paced work environment, including large
amounts of customer service; Often chosen for individual projects such as stack maintenance,
special customer assistance, and database management.
Co-Coordinator, Village Club Series, Coordinator of Student Activities, Bates College
March 1997-May 1999
Successfully secured and arranged performing artists for monthly concert series, seating
up to 250 people; Assisted with productioin of concerts, including promotions, lighting,
sound reinforcement, floor plan adjustment, artist hospitality, and master of ceremonies;
Coordinated financial compensation for artists through Business Office of the College.
Junior Advisor, Milliken House, Bates College, September 1997-May 1998
Selected by Dean of Students as Resident Advisor for 14 first-year students in a 30-person
campus house; Counseled and informed students regarding academic, personal, and social
issues, and referred them to appropriate college offices and personnel; Quickly and
effectively developed a working relationship with other advisors, and actively participated
in weekly and monthly advisorsÕ meetings with the Deans of Students; Successfully completed
an intensive week-long training session; Handled emergency situations as necessary.
Interim Program Director/General Manager, WRBC, Bates College, Summer 1996/1997/1998
Organized a working broadcast schedule of 60 plus DJs for summer-long on-air programming;
Supervised overall maintenance of station staff and facility; including on-air quality
supervision and training, flood and theft management; fiscal responsibilities, and Federally-
required weekly test of EAS system; Co-designed and produced Program Guide to be distributed
throughout listening community; Acted as liason between general members of station and absent
General Manager and Program Director.
Music Director, WRBC, Bates College, January 1997-January 1998
Maintained and advanced communication between WRBC and approximately 80 record labels and
promotions company on a weekly basis; Submitted weekly status reports to industry trade
magazine, detailing the progress of various recordings played; Created email database of
information regarding the record labels and promotions companies; Sat as elected Member
of the Board of Directors at WRBC.
Recording Archivist, WRBC, Bates College, January 1996-January 1997
Catalogued approximately 50 incoming sound recordings per week for on-air play by the
general membership and released these recordings on a weekly basis; Maintained recurrent
sound recording catalogue of some 50,000 works, including theft prevention tactics,
redistribution and organization, and quality maintenance; Implemented an attempt to
compile all recorded volumes in a database listing; Sat as elected Member of the Board
of Directors at WRBC.
Computer S K I L L S
Proficient in: MacOS and Windows 95/98; MS Word, Corel WP, and Claris; HTML; XL; Photoshop;
PageMaker; Deck II 2.6/SoundEdit16 v. 2.0; FilemakerPro.
Familiar with: CSS and Javascript; PageMaker; Illustrator; GoLive; Freehand; and Quark.
Learn programs quickly and effectively.
List of URLS
members.tripod.com/suppoz | www.angelfire.com/mn/deadroads
www.bates.edu/acad/museum/marsden | www.bates.edu/lib-test/services/cbb
Personal S K I L L S A N D I N T E R E S T S
Excellent communication, administrative, and people skills; Disc jockey for College radio
station and private parties; Promotional poster design ability; Proficiency in black and
white photography, developing, and printing. Enjoy poetry, music, media theory, literature,
graphic design, hiking, and library science.
References available upon request from:
Office of Career Services, Bates College
31 Frye St., Lewiston, ME 04240
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